The only ASAV Hospital of Excellence in northern Sydney

Vet Hospital

As the only Australian Small Animal Vets Hospital of Excellence in northern Sydney (and one of only 10 in all of NSW outside of the University of Sydney), you can be assured that Turramurra Vet complies with the absolute highest standards of hospital facilities and patient care. Your pet will be treated gently and with the greatest care and safety. Our human-standard hospital includes state of the art equipment and surgical practices. A HEPA filter (high efficiency particle arrestor) provides pure filtered air to the operating theatre and all instruments are autoclaved ensuring maximum surgical sterility.

We utilise the most modern and safest anaesthetics. A heated surgery blanket cocoons our patients, helping maintain body temperature and improving recovery time. All veterinary surgeons are fully scrubbed up, gowned and gloved to human hospital standards. All anaesthetised animals are monitored with sophisticated anaesthetic monitoring machines and a trained vet nurse assists the surgeon throughout the procedure. Overnight hospitalisation facilities are available when needed.

Along with desexing operations, commonly performed surgeries include cruciate ligament repair, fracture repair, ear surgery, lump removals and cancer excision surgery.

Vet Hospital Human Standard
White Kitten

Other Clinical Services


Pathology (Blood Tests)

Our modern analyser enables timely and accurate diagnoses of illness.



Our digital X-ray facilities are of the highest calibre.

>> Learn More

dental services

Dental Services

Because bad breath is not normal!



Non-invasive diagnostics.


Turramurra Vet Hospital Outside

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