Because bad breath is not normal
Pet Dental Services
Bad breath is not normal, and who wants the embarrassment of a family pet with foul breath, let alone the potential for pain to the poor animal from rotten teeth? Veterinary dental care is far more than “just throwing the dog a bone now and then.” A regular check-up can help ensure that your family pet won’t suffer from dental disease. Signs of pet dental disease can include bad breath, tartar, weight loss, difficulty in chewing food or inflamed gums. Animals with dental disease can’t talk and won’t starve themselves, so don’t assume that just because they are eating, there is no possibility of painful dental disease. A dental check may identify the need for cleaning, polishing, tartar removal, a dietary change, or occasionally extraction of a tooth. Rather than let things get out of hand, we are happy to provide advice at your next visit to help you prevent pet dental disease rather than treat it later on. Your pet will live a longer and happier life with healthy teeth and gums.
Considerably more information on dental procedures for pets is available via the button below.