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Newsletter Tick Warning

Tick Paralysis cases have recently been treated at Turramurra Vet Hospital. The ticks are here!
With the weather warming up, ticks are starting to flourish. In Sydney, the majority of ticks are Paralysis Ticks, so assume it is a paralysis tick until proven otherwise.
Are you aware of the signs of tick paralysis?
Not all these signs will necessarily present in the same pet, or at the same time.
- Reduced appetite.
- Change in bark or meow.
- Coughing.
- Wheezing.
- Retching.
- Vomiting.
- Drooling.
- Lethargy.
- Weak, wobbly appearance (particularly in hind limbs).
- Difficulty breathing (laboured, more rapid and/or struggling to get air).
- Collapse.
Tick Paralysis does NOT go away on it’s own. If any of the above signs start, tick treatment including anti-tick serum needs to begin. Tick Paralysis is an EMERGENCY. You need to call us immediately on 9988 0198 if your pet is, or could be, suffering from tick paralysis!
The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance of recovery your pet has.
Did you know? You can do many things to reduce the chance of your pet getting a tick and succumbing to paralysis.
- Use a tick preventative such as Bravecto every 3 months or Nexgard every month (both only for dogs) and Frontline Spray every 3 weeks (for cats). Tick collars can also be used on dogs as extra protection – please ask us for the most appropriate collar for your dog’s lifestyle.
- Whilst we advise year round tick prevention, if you have lapsed over winter, start immediately. If you need tick products pop in for advice, and if your pet has grown or changed weight, come in for a weigh in to ensure correct dosing.
- Clip long and/or thick coated dogs and cats from September to March (peak tick season)-a service we provide here.
- Check your pet’s skin for ticks on a daily basis.
- Avoid densely planted bush hikes during peak tick season.
We are open Monday to Friday 8am to 7pm (until 8pm from October 2nd), Saturdays 8am to 2pm and Sundays 10am to 12pm. For treatment and care outside of these hours, visit NEVS (Northside Emergency Vet Service) at 335 Mona Vale Road, Terrey Hills, 9119 1936.