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Newsletter October 2020

Engorged Tick

Tick explosion creates havoc

Keep your pet safe – use prevention and know the signs of tick paralysis

Paralysis tick season is here

Sadly we are seeing a large number of tick paralysis cases in dogs and cats at Turramurra Vet, which can be fatal. The recent warmer weather & rain means that adult ticks are emerging looking for their next meal.
The tick is found on the east coast of Australia and usually lives on native wildlife such as bandicoots, possums and wallabies. They can also attach themselves to domesticated animals, and sometimes even humans.
Tick paralysis, or toxicity, occurs when a venom in tick saliva, is injected into animals as the tick feeds. This will paralyse the neuromuscular junction of a dog or cat, as well as the cardiac system. Paralysis can rapidly progress from mild to to severe paralysis and imminent death unless promptly treated. Other signs can include a change in pitch of the meow or bark, wobbliness and excessive panting.

Its important you contact us straight away for an appointment if your pet is showing any of these signs on 9988 0198.

Read more about Tick Paralysis here

How do I keep my pet safe

Paralysis Tick Warning Signs

Prevention is better then cure. We recommend Bravecto chews for dogs & Bravecto spot on for cats. We also recommend Seresto collars in conjunction with Bravecto for an extra layer of protection. No preventative is 100% though so frequent checking of your pets coat is also important. Free shipping for any Bravecto purchase through our online store:

Buy online here

Dr Jim raises over $15,000!

James CanToo Run

Can-Too has congratulated our very own James Thompson for reaching this massive milestone in fundraising for cancer research. 10 years ago he started running with the North pod & he now runs with the Northern Beaches pod.
“Running is important for work life balance, but also important for raising funds for such a great charity'”

Well done Dr Jim!

You can donate via this link: Dr Jim CanToo

Pet of the month is Cookie!

Cookie Pet of the Month Oct20

What a story Cookie has!

This young Russian Blue cat presented as a stray after a concerned resident bought him in to us after finding him in their garden unable to walk. Dr Angus examined the cat & found a large tick crater on his neck & Cookie had classic symptoms suggestive of tick paralysis. Luckily he was microchipped & a quick search of the database connected us with his owner. She was elated as Cookie went missing 7 weeks ago in Wahroonga!

His mum came into visit & tick treatment was started with the administration of tick antiserum & supportive care. Cookie spent 3 days in hospital with us, had a fancy new haircut & his grateful mum returned him to the safety of her home.

Cookie will receive a bag of Hills adult cat food as a reward for his bravery!

Grooming & boarding updates

We are already taking bookings for grooming in January. Our advice is to book in your next groom ASAP to avoid disappointment.

Likewise, cat boarding for Christmas is also booking up. Please contact our friendly customer care team to book your cats holiday with us.


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