Keeping you informed
Newsletter March 2018

We hope everyone has a wonderful Easter break.
We will be closed over the Easter break from Friday 30th March to Monday 2nd April (inclusive).
From Tuesday 3rd April our hours will be:
Monday to Friday: 7:30am-7pm.
Saturdays: 8am-2pm.
Sundays: 10am-12pm.
For public holiday and after hours veterinary care, please visit NEVS (Northside Emergency Service) on 335 Mona Vale Road, Terrey Hills. Their number is 9119 1703.
Pet of the Month – Joey
Joey is one of our longer serving patients and is clearly distinguished by his shortened tail which was a result of an accident many years ago that resulted in surgery to amputate his tail and correct his hip. He is now doing very well.
He is a very social cat, typical of his Burmese breeding and a regular in our cat boarding suites.
Joey will be receiving a bag of Royal Canin feline food.
Keep the Easter Eggs away from your pet!
With Easter fast approaching, so is the chocolate season. However, while many of us love chocolate, it is toxic to our furry friends.
The level of toxicity can depend on the size of your dog or cat and how much they have consumed as well as the type of chocolate, however individuals can vary in their sensitivity to it.
The compound in chocolate that our dogs and cats react to is Theobromine. Theobromine causes an elevated heart rate and dilates blood vessels in people without ill effect, however causes vomiting, diarrheoa, restlessness, increased heart rate, muscle tremors and seizures in dogs and cats (depending on how much chocolate has been consumed).
Make sure chocolate is kept in a secure location that your pet can’t reach (at all times of the year) and if you suspect your pet has ingested some chocolate, treatment may be required, so contact us straight away (treatment is not effective if delayed).
Going on Holidays over Easter?
If you are going away these holidays and leaving your pet in another person’s care, we urge you to complete a holiday details form with us. In the unanticipated event that your pet suffers an illness while you’re away, this form ensures you are contactable to be able to discuss your pet’s condition and your treatment preferences.
All too often we are presented with an unwell animal where we are unable to proceed with appropriate treatment because we are unable to contact the owner, and t
he pet minder is not able to make the decision in place of them. This situation is obviously distressing for all parties involved.
Holiday details forms can be printed and completed for faxing to 9988 0298 or handed in at reception.
Make sure your pet minder knows your regular vet, plus NEVS after hours service for emergencies. Also make sure your pet minder knows about tick paralysis and that your tick control is up to date too, especially if you will be holidaying on the coast with your pet.
No vacation without vaccination!
It’s your holiday too – and you need to have peace of mind. Before you send your pets off to boarding facilities, make sure that they’re up to date with all the vaccinations they require. They are likely to be in contact with many ‘new’ cats and dogs, so it’s important for their health that they’re completely protected.
Please don’t leave this to the last minute as the establishment of immune protection takes time!
Remember, check in with us ahead of holiday time!
Get your doggy styled for the holidays!
As the weather gets wetter and colder, a regular professional groom is very beneficial to your dog’s skin and coat health. A matted or thickened coat can increase the chance of skin infections, especially when that coat gets wet. Even double coated breeds such as Labradors and Huskies can benefit from a good groom as the bathing, brushing and deshedding process can ensure the coat insulates properly against the rain, wind and cold.
Contact us today on 9988 0198 to book your dog in with our professional groomers.