Keeping you informed
Newsletter February 2021
Happy New Year
And just like that its nearly March!
The team at Turramurra Vet have had a busy start to the year helping lots of locals keep their pets happy & healthy. Famous people born in Year of the ox include US President Barack Obama, Indonesia’s founding President Sukarno, Bruce Springsteen, Margaret Thatcher, Diana Spencer and George Clooney.
Happy new year to all our clients – we hope the Year of the Ox is kind to us all.
Itchy skin and ear season
With high levels of humidity and plant growth as we move towards autumn, we commonly see larval grass tick infestations, itchy ears & red itchy tummies as a roll on the grass is so tempting for our pets in this beautiful sunny weather. Skin issues can be caused by lots of different factors – bacteria, parasites, fungal infections or allergies. Our vets take the time to examine & perform tests on the affected ears or skin to ensure the treatment option is correct.
Contact us if you are worried your pet is shaking their head, pawing at their ears or itchy.
Alarming new tick borne disease
While we continue to be occupied with the COVID pandemic, another life-threatening disease has emerged in northern Australia, one that’s cause for considerable alarm for the millions of dog owners around the country.
This disease — canine ehrlichiosis — is transmitted through the bite of a bacterium-carrying parasite called the “brown dog tick”. This vector parasite is widespread in warm and humid areas of Australia, and its bite can be potentially fatal for dogs. In Australia today, the disease appears most prevalent in regional areas and remote communities in WA and NT – but it is spreading fast.
The disease isn’t contagious between dogs; only dogs bitten by ticks will contract it. So it’s vital animal owners are proactive with the application of parasite prevention.
At this stage we do not see ‘brown dog ticks’ in NSW, we will keep our clients up to date as this situation evolves. However if you plan to travel north with your dog this winter, come to use for advice before you leave. More information is available here in a presentation designed for indigenous and remote communities:
Pet of the Month….
Ned the superhero dog!
Ned found his forever home when he was 6 months old after finding himself on the streets. From the moment Marilla & Shaun took him in he has known nothing but love. This year Ned learnt quickly how to be a supervisor to his mum while she works from home (lucky mum!) Ned is a super special dog that has saved the lives of countless dogs over the years through blood donations. This year Ned has retired from donations, but will always be an absolute favourite among all the staff.
As our pet of the month he wins a bag of Hills Science Diet Active Longevity diet. Lucky Ned!
#TeamTurra award of the month goes to….
Thomas! We can’t actually remember what TVH was like before Tom joined us in October of last year. His megawatt smile & hard working attitude is #TeamTurraGoals! Tom is our Hospital Attendant & he performs essential duties here at Turramurra Vet Hospital every day to help the vets, nurses & patients alike. Tom has a keen eye for detail & assists in keeping the hospital stocked with supplies, he assists with cleaning & is learning how to assist the groomers with dog washing.
Congrats Tom!
We have farewelled the ‘amazing’ Grace this month as she heads off to Armidale to begin her Agriculture degree. Grace has been an invaluable assistant over the Summer months as she finished at PLC & awaited her start at University of New England. We wish you all the best Grace!